
With lovely war
With lovely war

with lovely war with lovely war

Army, and a Belgian orphan with a gorgeous voice and a devastating past. A classical pianist from London, a British would-be architect-turned-soldier, a Harlem-born ragtime genius in the U.S. They are Hazel, James, Aubrey, and Colette. Read the novel New York Times bestselling author of The Alice Network Kate Quinn called “easily one of the best novels I have read all year!” A critically acclaimed, multi-layered romance set in the perilous days of World Wars I and II, where gods hold the fates - and the hearts - of four mortals in their hands. Whatever muse is singing in Berry to produce her lyrical writing, we’d like to lobby for their services.Mythology, Romance, Historical Fiction, Young Adult Fiction The gods are every inch what we remember them from classical mythology - Aphrodite, vivacious and erotic Ares, hot-tempered and cruel Hephaestus, gruff and slovenly - while taking on a literary elegance and lilting quality unique to Berry’s writing.

with lovely war

Yet Berry perfectly merges these two worlds, trading their togas for two-tone shoes and A-line dresses. It’s almost odd to imagine their capriciousness, their sense of justice, and their passion playing a role in something so epic and unendurably human as the first World War (and the second, for that matter). We think of these mythic beings as belonging to a time long-past, their fickle natures and awe-inducing powers dictacting the lives of Odysseus, Perseus, Helen of Troy, Hector, and Achilles. This tradition - of the Greek gods telling stories of the mortals whose fates they hold in their hands - dates back centuries, and Berry makes it feel both timeless and startlingly fresh.

With lovely war