(I know what some of you are thinking: this pond scum seems to be everywhere these days).Ī skinny Lund trying to look macho on the cover of his buddy’s magazine Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh was a customer for Paladin’s Homemade C-4: A Recipe for Survival. And here and there, a few clinical sickos. Insecure men outsiders who find identity, acceptance, and machismo in paramilitary clubs… perpetually adolescent, excessively nationalistic, and probably racist white males with survivalist obsessions, plagued with small minds and, if you believe some people, small genitals. Venture to the fringe of this species, and you encounter a more dangerous sub-species. Who were the buyers? Well, the government-phobic right wing, for starters. Lund knew the makeup of his buyers, and he supplied their dope. The author, one Bill Wilson (probably a pseudonym), claims his book teaches “how to tailor your message for maximum gain, and…weasel out of trouble when your lavish lifestyle or personal misconduct hits the fan.” One of their more ivy-league and humorous publications is How to Get Rich as a Televangelist or Faith Healer.

All were characterized by bad writing and tacky graphics. Paladin Press specialized in how-to manuals about killing, in addition to more innocuous, garden-variety gun, ammo, and martial arts books. Not long after the company’s founding, Brown sold his interest to Lund and started the comparatively tame Soldier of Fortune magazine (emphasis on “comparatively”).